Past Events

Panel Discussion: Troubled Waters

Panel Discussion: Comunicare Innovazione e Impresa

Quick Impulse: Datenkrake Google Analytics. Oder auch nicht?

Quick Impulse Vortrag: Local SEO > lokal schneller und effizienter ranken: Tipps, Tricks & Tools

Quick Impulse Vortrag: Kostenlose Keyword-Tools > richtige Schlüsselwörter einfach finden ohne Kohle auszugeben
Why dgtl?
Web solutions, big data, digital sensors, blockchain technology, user tracking.
These are all terms which are mentioned in connection with digitization.
But what does this mean in individual companies, in individual sectors and processes?
We want to face up to this dialogue. We don't have ready-made solutions but only a talented network that tries to show directions and optimize processes without blinkers.
An artist in a circus!
A circus lives from the creative artists and showmen who amaze the audience again and again. They solve problems and tasks playfully and seemingly simply. We would like to create this with you.
Because this is to become a place of debate and vision. A place in which new ideas are to be created and possibilities made visible.
Companies and creative people from all areas should meet here and discuss problems and solutions with each other, as well as without blinkers, playfully, as in the circus, set impulses in the field of digitisation.
Coworking Space
In addition, offices were created for our partners and other companies in the digital sector, which can use meeting room, seminar room, conference room, photostudio free of charge and can hold their own events there on request.
- 24/7 access
- eventspace for free
- lounge & meetingroome for free
- kitchen
- super fast internet
- autonomous heating included
- air conditioning included